Cubs Baseball

Cubs Baseball Mission Statement

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Blair Cubs Baseball is a tax-exempt 501c3 non-profit organization providing the youth of Blair, Nebraska and the surrounding area the opportunity to compete at the highest levels. Through the efforts of our coaches and volunteers we work to advance the skills of our players, assist them in their development and further their understanding of the game. In addition to baseball skills, we work to develop character and teach life-lessons by demonstrating teamwork, honesty, respect and sportsmanship at all levels of the game. Our players will be shown that commitment, integrity, hard-work and a positive attitude are their own rewards. We strive to give every player a fun, full and enjoyable experience summed up best by our motto: “To learn a little about baseball and a lot about life.”

Executive Board, Members and Contacts

Matt Baughman


Sean Munger

Vice President

Brett Jacobitz


Chris Chikos

Jake Christensen

Ross Tessendorf

Joel Bacon

Joni Clements


Concession Stand Managers

Jamie Christensen

Umpire Contact

Sean Johnston

Jeff Kopecky