Blair Basketball Club



The Blair Basketball Club provides youth players in grades second through eighth with an extensive basketball experience each season. The program holds an evaluation process every year to place each athlete on a team suited to their skill level so that each player has the opportunity to build basketball fundamentals.


Evaluations are held twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall. Each player is assessed on a number of skills to guarantee they are placed on a team that is equivalent to their present skill level while encouraging player growth and development. Our teams typically compete in silver and bronze levels, as well as recreational levels.


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The Blair Basketball Club is a volunteer based organization. Board members and coaches work together to not only provide a positive experience for all players in our club, but to support and grow youth sports in our community.

2024-2025 Registration

Registration extended! Please register before Fall Evals in September!


2024 Midtown Mayhem

Registration closed!

Thank you to our Title Sponsors!

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